From the producer behind the camera, the face in front of the camera, to the coach of another generation of on-camera talent, Katy Temple is an expert in presentation and delivery. Now she delivers her secrets of how to thrive no matter what comes your way.
Continue Reading Presenting Your Best Self with Katy Temple – Episode #68
Business Development
Building (and re-building) Community with Cathleen Edgerly – Episode #66
We all love a good comeback story. It’s the stuff movies are made of!
In real life though, the pain and sacrifices look a bit different. And when it comes to helping an entire city make a comeback, well, that’s a story still in the making.
In this episode of the Think Tank of Three podcast, we talk with Cathleen Edgerly about her successes and works in progress when it comes to building (and re-building) a community.
Continue Reading Building (and re-building) Community with Cathleen Edgerly – Episode #66
Ladies, Let’s Sell! Episode #56
Why aren’t more women in sales?
It’s an interesting question that leads to one answer…. you are, you just don’t recognize it.
The Think Tank of Three focuses on why being WOMEN, is exactly what the sales force is desperate for!
Continue Reading Ladies, Let’s Sell! Episode #56
Selling Yourself and Your Business with Amy Zander – Episode #50
You know that line, everyone is in sales.
Most people hate it, but everyone is selling themselves. It is important for women to understand how to promote themselves, and how to sell their business.
Today, we’re going to talk about how to develop a plan so that no matter what you can sell yourself in any situation.Continue Reading Selling Yourself and Your Business with Amy Zander – Episode #50
Being Unapologetically You with Roshelle Stovall Lee – Episode #49
Why outsource, when you can just learn the trade yourself? That’s what Roshelle Stovall Lee asked herself and then proceeded to do just that. She took her God-given skills, molded them, practiced them and turned herself into the one stop shop that absolutely follows the adage “I can do anything”. But she is quick to point out, this is HER story, you have to develop your own. It’s episode #49 of Think Tank of Three podcast.
Continue Reading Being Unapologetically You with Roshelle Stovall Lee – Episode #49
Why Being Lazy in Relationships Will Fail You Professionally
I’m going to admit up front, that this is a bit of a rant. The beautiful thing about having a platform is that you can use it to share what peeves you in the hope that it provides a lesson to others. Or if it doesn’t, maybe it’ll provide some comic relief.
No matter what you do for a living, you are in sales. Everyone is selling. Always.
You’re selling an idea, a product, a persona, a brand, yourself. And it’s incredibly important to, if not understand how to do it well, then at least don’t do it so poorly that you embarrass yourself.
For the people who give sales a bad rap, I would argue that most of them are lazy. Sales is about the relationship and being lazy in relationships will fail you professionally.
Continue Reading Why Being Lazy in Relationships Will Fail You Professionally
Jump In with Jinah Kim – Episode #41
Who says people can’t multi-task?! For the founder of the Niko Car Seat Cover and part-time NBC News Correspondent, it’s pretty much another day at the office!
Continue Reading Jump In with Jinah Kim – Episode #41
Building a Life That Sparks Joy with Seannon Jones – Episode #30
Do you know the difference between happiness and joy?
Would you say you have a joy-filled life personally and professionally?
Today we’re digging into building a life that sparks joy.
We’ll discuss how to cultivate it, how to recognize it, and how to empower others to find the things that spark joy for them.
Continue Reading Building a Life That Sparks Joy with Seannon Jones – Episode #30
Top Marketing Trends for 2020
A new year always feels like a great time to hit the reset button. That is until we turn the page on the calendar and already start to feel behind!
If you’re like me, you wanted to hit the gym more regularly, start a better meal prep routine, and get a head-start on creating new webinars and marketing content. And again, if you’re like me and 75% of Americans, statistics show we are going to fall short.
So let’s make sure that our marketing doesn’t fall into that category. Whether you’re working on building your personal brand, drawing an updated business development blueprint for your business, or even still trying to tackle that marketing to-do list from 2019 — I’m here for you.
To help you get on track, my team at mConnexions put together a list of top marketing trends for 2020. Pick the trends that resonate most for you, and create a plan to take steps toward your goals. Continue Reading Top Marketing Trends for 2020
Why you need an agile coach
I’m sure you’ve considered hiring a management consultant when you were faced with a business obstacle that was difficult to solve on your own.
But management consultants aren’t always the best answer.
You’ve heard of the phrase, “fake it ‘til you make it?’”
In an article from the Harvard Business Review, the authors reveal all of the ways consultants live by this motto. Some consultants are sold to us as experts even if they necessarily aren’t in reality. Here’s why instead of hiring a consultant, an agile coach would be a better investment for your company.
Continue Reading Why you need an agile coach