Did you know that taking a step back might be your secret to leaping forward in success?

In this episode of the Think Tank of Three podcast, Michelle Hutchison reveals the power of the pause, peeling back the layers of the essential balance between intense work and vital rest, unraveling how to prevent burnout while chasing ambitious goals.Continue Reading Finding Power in the Pause with Michelle Hutchison

Stephanie BarnhillGuest Blog by Stephanie Barnhill, Operations Consultant at mConnexions

“Discovering the truth about ourselves is a lifetime’s work, but it’s worth the effort.” –Mr. Rogers

The new year has just arrived. And as we begin to peer into what 2020 will bring us, we may also be considering what changes we want to make in our lives. Goals for fitness, vacation plans, career shifts, and all those pesky little resolutions we are so excited about in January but that quickly fade away in February.
Continue Reading A New Year or A New You?