“I’m not asking much, just a token really, a trifle! What I want from you is – your voice.-Ursula the Sea Witch

Ursula The Little Mermaid

Do you remember watching the classic Disney movie The Little Mermaid and seeing Princess Ariel give up her voice to become human? While it may have seemed like a good trade at the time, she quickly realized she gave up a precious part of not just communication, but her soul. Watching her flounder to express herself, go on a first date, and let the man she loves know he’s been brainwashed by a monster was frustrating for the viewers. 

While we may not be squaring off for a battle with a sea witch (unless your mother-in-law is coming to town), 2020 has absolutely been dramatic and difficult. So in a year that feels like the fight between good and evil, how can you win at the most important thing: your voice?
Continue Reading The Value Of Finding Your Voice and Being Authentic

Stepping into the unknown is scary, especially if that means uprooting our lives to try something new.

If you’re feeling like it’s time to make a major move or you’re feeling restless, and aren’t quite sure where it will lead, then this episode is for you.

A special guest shares how to go from Corporate to Calling.
Continue Reading Making the Transition from Corporate to Calling with Nora Luke – Episode #32

A new year always feels like a great time to hit the reset button. That is until we turn the page on the calendar and already start to feel behind! 

If you’re like me, you wanted to hit the gym more regularly, start a better meal prep routine, and get a head-start on creating new webinars and marketing content. And again, if you’re like me and 75% of Americans, statistics show we are going to fall short.

So let’s make sure that our marketing doesn’t fall into that category. Whether you’re working on building your personal brand, drawing an updated business development blueprint for your business, or even still trying to tackle that marketing to-do list from 2019 — I’m here for you.

To help you get on track, my team at mConnexions put together a list of top marketing trends for 2020. Pick the trends that resonate most for you, and create a plan to take steps toward your goals. Continue Reading Top Marketing Trends for 2020

When I was young (and sometimes still now), my mom would say, “Kathryn, the Reader’s Digest version, please!”

I loved to tell stories.

And I loved to talk to my mom. Still do.

Reader’s Digest is the largest subscriber-based magazine in the world. It features short stories, jokes and advice. SHORT stories. I loved reading it when I was younger. But I couldn’t for some reason, tell a story succinctly like the “Reader’s Digest version.”

It’s easier when you write. When you write, you can go back and edit over and over and over. I highly recommend that. We’ll talk about that in a moment.Continue Reading Why Less is More in Public Speaking

As the weather warms up and the days become longer, most of us want to ditch the office early to spend time in the sun. Before you fall victim to summertime procrastination, consider this: you could use this time instead to get ahead, while your competition takes a break. This doesn’t mean that you have to miss out on summer fun. If you use your time efficiently, you’ll enjoy the summer more — knowing that your business is on track.

As we head into Q3, now is the perfect time to run a progress report on your business. What’s working, and what needs to be tossed?Continue Reading Mid-Year Marketing Review

Walking in to meet with a new client this week, I was greeted with a one-liner worth blogging about:

“Hi, great to meet you in person! You look just like your photo!”

We laughed — but he brings up an important point. In a world that’s dominated by filtered Instagram influencers, endless stock photos, and Photoshopped tabloids, what you see is rarely what you get. This makes authenticity the key to mastering the marketing fundamentals of know, like, and trust.

And let me tell you, it’s a lot harder than it sounds when it comes to design!

I grappled when it came to choosing a photo for this blog because, well, authenticity. So I’m going to just call myself out right off the bat.

“Hello, Pot here, nice to meet ya kettle!”

Some argue that there is a time and place for stock images when the image isn’t the focus of our message. Others argue there is never a place for generic, disingenuous design. Wherever you land in the debate, here’s a look at why authenticity is key, and how to achieve it.Continue Reading Why the Buzz About Authenticity?

In the blink of an eye, we’ve entered the second quarter of the year.  How’s that marketing plan going? Are you bringing in new sales? Are your Facebook posts getting enough engagement? Are your ads generating quality leads? Are you struggling to know where to start?

Don’t let the start of Q2 add to the pressure! This is a great time of year to look at the goals you set for 2019, evaluate your progress, and determine how to make the biggest impact for your business in the coming months.
Continue Reading Video Series: Top Trends Right Now in Marketing

Do you ever feel like you’re stuck in a dead end job but you’re not sure how to move on?

Have you ever set a big goal that always seems to linger just out of your reach?

Has the fear of the unknown ever stopped you from going after what you really want?

This episode features our special guest Caroline Garry. She’s talking to us today about the big risks she took that led to a better life for her and her family. Caroline will walk us through the puzzle of assessing risk and how to make calculated and strategic risks to achieve more than we thought possible.

Take a listen to get some inspiration for taking that next big step! 
Continue Reading Learning to Take Calculated Risks with Caroline Garry – Episode #12