You know that line, everyone is in sales.

Most people hate it, but everyone is selling themselves. It is important for women to understand how to promote themselves, and how to sell their business.

Today, we’re going to talk about how to develop a plan so that no matter what you can sell yourself in any situation.Continue Reading Selling Yourself and Your Business with Amy Zander – Episode #50

So much of who we are gets wrapped up in whether or not we’re successful. And that success? It’s often defined by title and money.

So, what if you could shift your mindset to open yourself up to a world of mental wellness and success?

The Think Tank of Three welcomes back entrepreneur, public speaker, and now globally published author, Joyce Marter to give us a look inside her new book, The Financial Mindset Fix. Plus, you’ll hear Joyce’s personal decade-long journey of finding a publisher and her advice for other women pursuing big dreams.Continue Reading Mental Wealth: The Financial Mindset Fix with Joyce Marter – Episode #45