We’ve been having this debate for years: Does video have a place in law firm marketing? Whether you take the route of providing Q&As, video blogs, or testimonials, my answer to this question is a resounding yes.
There is no shortage of content in our lives. From piles of paperwork on our desks, to notes and newsletters from our children’s schools, to emails and digital data bombarding us online, the text can be overwhelming. It’s in this world of information overload that we find a breath of fresh air in video.
Not only is it easier for our brains to process the visuals, over the sea text in our lives, it’s also much easier to create an emotional impact through video. It allows us to humanize concepts and information that an audience might otherwise ignore online. Imagine that, a way to humanize our lawyers. Of course, working alongside them, we know that they are human. Albeit professional, busy, hard-working humans, but they are humans nonetheless, with a passion for their work. Video gives us the ability to showcase these qualities. And let’s not forget, we can do so while also providing key information that we would otherwise write in a blog or article.
Don’t believe the hype? Here are some statistics to prove that people gravitate toward video. According to Twitter, videos and photos get the most re-tweets. The average internet user spends 88% more time on a website with video than on sites without it. Studies show that simply using the word “video” in the subject line of an email can increase open rates by 19-percent. Further, click-through rates increase by 65-percent, meaning people are actually clicking on the links provided within the email. And, get this, consumers are 64% more likely to buy a product after watching a video about it.
Because of its likability, video is not only easy on the eyes, it’s easier to market. In addition to social media platforms, whose search algorithms favor video, video has a direct impact on search results. Rich media is widely favored by search engine algorithms, which influence website rankings. Google, the most-used search engine in the world, owns YouTube, the second-most used search engine in the world. Connect the dots, and you can see why Google’s search results prominently feature video with its top results.
Shameless plug, at Fraser Trebilcock we chose to start our very new video production with a short piece on what it’s like to be a part of the Fraser family. With our career openings in mind, select attorneys describe what drew them to the law firm and to the communities where we live and work. With a professional, yet friendly and inclusive tone, we use the interviews to draw the audience in and connect on a more personal level. Another video aims to promote our longstanding connections in Detroit, and our role in the Motor City’s revival. Just two videos in to our new-to-us marketing strategy, and we’re definitely receiving positive feedback. And, these feel-good videos are just the beginning of our overall strategy.
So where do you start? The easiest way is to start small, by evaluating your current marketing strategy to see where video may help you hit a target audience with key messaging that’s already in place. As you begin to research technical aspects, keep in mind that quality is key. Poor video or audio will hurt more than it helps, so if it’s within your budget you may want to team up with professionals. We’ll save more on this for another blog.
Photo credit: Cropped image by Unsplash user Laura Lee Moreau.