A new year always feels like a great time to hit the reset button. That is until we turn the page on the calendar and already start to feel behind! 

If you’re like me, you wanted to hit the gym more regularly, start a better meal prep routine, and get a head-start on creating new webinars and marketing content. And again, if you’re like me and 75% of Americans, statistics show we are going to fall short.

So let’s make sure that our marketing doesn’t fall into that category. Whether you’re working on building your personal brand, drawing an updated business development blueprint for your business, or even still trying to tackle that marketing to-do list from 2019 — I’m here for you.

To help you get on track, my team at mConnexions put together a list of top marketing trends for 2020. Pick the trends that resonate most for you, and create a plan to take steps toward your goals. Continue Reading Top Marketing Trends for 2020

As the weather warms up and the days become longer, most of us want to ditch the office early to spend time in the sun. Before you fall victim to summertime procrastination, consider this: you could use this time instead to get ahead, while your competition takes a break. This doesn’t mean that you have to miss out on summer fun. If you use your time efficiently, you’ll enjoy the summer more — knowing that your business is on track.

As we head into Q3, now is the perfect time to run a progress report on your business. What’s working, and what needs to be tossed?Continue Reading Mid-Year Marketing Review

If you’re a newcomer to the world of business blogging, you may have found yourself wandering the cyber-sphere, looking for tips and tricks that will make your blog shine and attract the right kind of audience. And there are a lot of tips out there. Depending on the article, you could find yourself scrolling through 10, 20, or 50 amazing MUST READ TIPS for your blog!

To cut through the noise, mConnexions has distilled those hundreds of tips into the top three things you need to know to jump-start your business blog and set your business up for success.Continue Reading The Only 3 Business Blogging Tips You Really Need

2019 will soon be here — a new year, new challenges, new opportunities for growth, and a whole new set of digital marketing trends!

To help your business prepare for what the new year might bring, Think Tank of Three’s Julie Holton and her team at mConnexions put together a walk-through of some up-and-coming trends that you can expect to make a strong statement in 2019.
Continue Reading Top Marketing Trends You Need to Know for 2019

You want to stand out.
You know you need to write an attractive summary on LinkedIn to grab people…
But you don’t have a ton of experience.
Or you have TOO much experience?
Where do you start?
How do you write to attract hiring managers? Investors? Nonprofits looking for board-members…We’re helping you out in today’s “THINK TANK OF THREE.”Continue Reading How to Power Up Your LinkedIn and Get Noticed – Episode #09

There is a long list of things you shouldn’t do if you’re trying to build a brand on social media, but for brevity (and because we love the number three) we’re sharing three things you could be doing right now that could damage your online brand. Professionally and personally.

Hear the habits you should cut out of your social media life as well as some tricky things to avoid that we find ourselves guilty of as well!
Continue Reading Three Things You Could be Doing to Damage Your Online Brand – Episode 03