We all love a good comeback story. It’s the stuff movies are made of!

In real life though, the pain and sacrifices look a bit different. And when it comes to helping an entire city make a comeback, well, that’s a story still in the making.

In this episode of the Think Tank of Three podcast, we talk with Cathleen Edgerly about her successes and works in progress when it comes to building (and re-building) a community.
Continue Reading Building (and re-building) Community with Cathleen Edgerly – Episode #66

Giving feedback can be hard and it can be scary. It can be especially awkward when giving peer to peer feedback.

As leaders, we might be comfortable with talking to direct supports but offering feedback to peers can be uncomfortable.

Do you ever find yourself questioning whether it’s your job to give feedback?

Should it come from you?

Should it come from your boss?

Will it be well received coming from you?

Or will it hurt the relationship?

Giving feedback is a critical skill in the professional setting and one that when used effectively can help build trust and effectiveness with your peers. But how?

How do we offer necessary feedback when we’re not the boss?Continue Reading Giving Feedback Even When Uncomfortable

Are you taking a leadership role in your professional life? I don’t mean a position where you have manager, director or executive in your title.

I mean, are you actively serving your organization as a leader?

Are you taking your own ego out of the picture and working to serve the greater good of your organization?

If you’re not sure what your answer is, it’s time to consider your leadership style.Continue Reading Are You Acting Like A Leader?