We’ve all heard the phrase, do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life. But we’ve all got to pay the piper at some point and so often, work we love is not aligned with our job.

But what if no matter where you worked, you worked from your strengths? What if you were able to cultivate work into something that not only got you paid but also sat firmly within your sweet spot?

In this new episode of the Think Tank of Three podcast, Allison Tivnon shares insights on cultivating a career, putting your best strengths forward, and taking chances that are well worth the risks.Continue Reading Just Take The Step with Allison Tivnon – Episode #54

I’m going to admit up front, that this is a bit of a rant. The beautiful thing about having a platform is that you can use it to share what peeves you in the hope that it provides a lesson to others. Or if it doesn’t, maybe it’ll provide some comic relief.

No matter what you do for a living, you are in sales. Everyone is selling. Always.

You’re selling an idea, a product, a persona, a brand, yourself. And it’s incredibly important to, if not understand how to do it well, then at least don’t do it so poorly that you embarrass yourself.

For the people who give sales a bad rap, I would argue that most of them are lazy. Sales is about the relationship and being lazy in relationships will fail you professionally.
Continue Reading Why Being Lazy in Relationships Will Fail You Professionally

What if women only needed to master the art of persuasion to be able to compete equally with men professionally?

Radical idea, I know. I’m not suggesting that this is the case but I love this as a thought experiment.

I wonder how much farther we could go if we embraced this idea of persuasion and set it as a top skill to hone.

If more women were able to wield this tool in the professional setting, how much farther could we go?  
Continue Reading The Art of Persuasion: Every Woman Needs this Skill