We’ve all heard the phrase, do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life. But we’ve all got to pay the piper at some point and so often, work we love is not aligned with our job.

But what if no matter where you worked, you worked from your strengths? What if you were able to cultivate work into something that not only got you paid but also sat firmly within your sweet spot?

In this new episode of the Think Tank of Three podcast, Allison Tivnon shares insights on cultivating a career, putting your best strengths forward, and taking chances that are well worth the risks.Continue Reading Just Take The Step with Allison Tivnon – Episode #54

With over a year of the pandemic behind us, and an unknown future with the new variant, a topic we consistently see come up is returning to work and what the future of work will hold.

The discussion seems so focused on the business side and not on the human side.

Who is making these decisions and have they considered how it will impact the most important asset in business? The people.

If you have ever met today’s guest, you’d never have to question whether there is a human behind the decisions being made and you can guarantee that people are her number one concern.
Continue Reading Women at Work in the New Normal with Katje Chiller – Episode # 51

Did you grow up knowing exactly what you wanted to be? 

Were you clear how to get to where you wanted to go? 

Did you ever worry that if you didn’t do it just right, you just couldn’t do it? 

Today we are talking about career paths and the meandering roads to success.Continue Reading The Career Path Less Traveled with Jessica Werner – Episode #29

I was just helping a few people rewrite and beef up their LinkedIn pages this week… and thought… maybe yours may need a little reworking. When was the last time you updated your profile? Or posted an article to attract more eyeballs? Added a link to recent work of yours?

With so much information out there… we’re on overload.

Newsfeeds. Overposting. White noise. Buzz words. It can be difficult to stand out. As you grow your personal brand and market yourself, one key part (and often a forgotten step) is developing a bio that reflects your worth.Continue Reading The Importance (and how to write) a Professional Online Bio

How do you know if you’re in the right job?

How do you know when it’s time to leave or time to change?

In our recent podcast, Advice for Our Younger Selves, the Think Tank covered what advice we’d offer to the younger versions of us. But how do you know when to leave a job? What are the questions to ask yourself? What are the signs to look for? 
Continue Reading How Do You Know When to Leave a Job?

There is a long list of things you shouldn’t do if you’re trying to build a brand on social media, but for brevity (and because we love the number three) we’re sharing three things you could be doing right now that could damage your online brand. Professionally and personally.

Hear the habits you should cut out of your social media life as well as some tricky things to avoid that we find ourselves guilty of as well!
Continue Reading Three Things You Could be Doing to Damage Your Online Brand – Episode 03