What if that dreaded time of the month — wasn’t dreaded? What if, instead of whispers, women and men talked openly about periods? You know, the natural literal life-giving thing that nearly half the world’s population experiences every 28 or so days!
Imagine communities where we exchange tips and even celebrate the remarkable workings of the female body.
In this new episode of the Think Tank of Three podcast, Julie Holton & Reischea Canidate-Kapasouris talk with founder, Katie Krick of The Period Pick-Me-Up. Hear what she’s doing to shed the stigma and embrace the cycle that is as natural as the changing tides.

Continue Reading Smashing Period Stigmas with Katie Krick

It’s Shark Week! Ugh. I’m on the rag. A visit from Aunt Flow.

For as long as women have been menstruating, we’ve come up with creative ways to talk about it without sounding like we’re talking about it.

Enough already!

If you’ve ever hidden your tampon in your sleeve on the way to the bathroom, tied your sweater around your waist to hide a red spot, or worse, wondered how to pay for supplies, it’s time to talk about it out loud. Period!
Continue Reading Helping Women PERIOD with Lysne Tait – Episode #67