Stephanie BarnhillGuest Blog by Stephanie Barnhill, Operations Consultant at mConnexions

I am a near 38-year-old woman, happily married for almost 11 years now, living in Michigan with three adorable dogs. No picket fence because our HOA won’t allow it. And no kids either because we’re childfree.

“Childfree” is a word you may not have heard before – I only learned it in the last few years. It’s used in place of the word “childless”, meaning a life without children isn’t negative for us as nothing is “missing”. A life sans children is what we chose. Perhaps the terms feels a bit tedious, but I think it’s an important distinction for some people, like myself. We are without children on purpose, because we do not desire to be parents.

But let’s rewind a bit.
Continue Reading Being Childfree: Our Path To Discovering We Don’t Want Kids

First comes love, then comes marriage. But wait! What about the parents who skip having the baby in the baby carriage?

Is it true what they say, that you don’t know ‘love’ until you’re a parent?

Are you selfish if you choose not to have children?

What about men and women who want to conceive a child, but are unable to do so naturally?

Or the women and men who want to have children, but haven’t yet found love?

There are many paths to choose from — and some paths are even chosen for us. In this episode, the Think Tank of Three talks with a guest who shares about her choice to be ‘childfree’.Continue Reading Can You Know ‘Love’ Without Being a Parent? Choosing to be Childfree with Stephanie Barnhill – Episode #34