Sometimes, stress hits us like a sucker punch to the gut.
It might be a panic-inducing, sudden onslaught of feelings.
Or maybe a rub-your-temples and remember to breathe type moment.
Maybe it’s just a hide-in-bed-under-the-covers and disappear from the world, kind-of-day. (“Just”… As if it’s some small thing to feel like hiding from reality.)
Some stressors affect us every single day. Most likely roll off our shoulders without slowing our stride, but some days, life hits us more than others.
Whatever the cause, when stress hits hard it can leave you feeling like you’re suffering from an emotional hangover.
And for all of us bad-ass, boss babe, rockstars, we can’t afford to have stress from our personal lives interfering with work. Yet, even bad-ass, boss babe, rockstars — are human, too.Continue Reading What to Do When Stress From Your Personal Life Hitches a Ride to Work